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  • Writer's pictureRochi Wire

My Trip To Michigan

I stayed the night in Ann Arbor Michigan on Saturday February 24th and Friday March 1st. The hotel had a swimming pool and hot tub. It had two floors. I stayed on the first. I went to the nearest White Castle for dinner the first night. On March 1st, I went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant that was close to the hotel. This time, I stayed on the second floor of the hotel.

I arrived in Petoskey, Michigan on Sunday February 25. I checked into a hotel between the two ski resorts I was visiting. That night, I visited the one called Boyne Mountain. The other ski resort was called The Highlands at Harbor Springs. Boyne Mountain had an indoor water park. The water park had one drop capsule slide, a water slide that had a bowl and that was unfortunately closed, and a regular water slide. There were two hot tubs for people to get into, a lazy river that went around in a circle, and a wet playground for kids to explore. There was also a stand to get food where I got dinner. After dinner, I bought a ticket to ride the chairlift up to this suspension bridge called the SkyBridge. The chairlift had room for two passengers per chair. Up at the top of the mountain, the SkyBridge had these bright lights that lit the bridge up. I ended up walking about halfway across because I was starting to feel cold after being in water and it was a cold night. 

On Monday February 26, I spent the day touring both resorts to explore my options there. Buying their merchandise was one of the things I did that day. I signed up for the moonbike tour later that evening at Boyne Mountain. Moonbikes are like snowmobiles except they have this steering mechanism that looks like it came from a bicycle. The moonbike was much harder for me to manage than a snowmobile. We went up to the end of the SkyBridge I didn’t make it to the previous night. 

I finally began skiing on Tuesday February 27. At first, I wore long underwear, my sweats, my overcoat, and my snow pants before putting on my ski equipment. Eventually, it came down to my leggings, a t-shirt, my overcoat, and my snow pants. It was a bright day and I even saw some skiers wearing shorts. I had to buy tickets for the lifts at both The Highlands and Boyne Mountain. Later that evening, I saw there was a small laundromat in the hotel I was staying at. I was able to take care of my dirty laundry that evening but it required me to put quarters in the machines.

On Wednesday February 28, it had snowed the previous night and it was pretty windy that morning. My car was covered in ice and snow. At first, I decided to walk to the closest Meijer. Then I came across an AutoZone along the way, so I went there to buy some deicing spray. On the way back, I stopped into a Starbucks to get a break from all the wind and snow blowing on me. Then I walked back to my car and got to work deicing the snow and ice. I also started the car from the inside to get it melting faster. I finally got on the road when I could see well enough out the windshield. This was the day I also found that the ski boots I was wearing were extremely uncomfortable. It just felt like they were squeezing my ankles. Therefore, I decided to rent a pair of ski boots that would make me feel a lot more comfortable. I remember that I skied at The Highlands during the day and skied at Boyne Mountain that night. 

The next day on February 29, I skied at Boyne Mountain during the day and The Highlands at night. I also remember snapping pictures for a ski group I just happened to be near that night at The Highlands. 

On March 1st, I checked out of my hotel that morning. I decided to go to Boyne Mountain’s indoor water park. I went down the slide with the tube. The lazy river they had was what I spent most of my time there swimming in. After lunch, I drove all the way back down to Ann Arbor. 

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